Jul 16, 2007

Boogers, Hondo and Fido pick...

"d-o-gzilla salt an pepper shakerz" as our favorite picture. We hope we win this mainly because... When our humans eat their meals at the table, often the salt shaker is GONE!! MISSING IN ACTION!! And who gets the blame? Yup, us cats. You see, Fido sometimes likes to knock things off the table. Mom is always picking up salt from the table, so it would be nice... Furrr once.. If we could blame our sister, Snooper, aka THE DOG furrr the missing salt!! The salt and pepper shaker is of a icky slobbering DOG!! Wouldn't it be pawsome to blame a DOG furrr OUR doings! MWHAHAHAHA This is why you should pick us!!

Also because Jeter is a yankee fan like us :)
Here is our catster page: http://www.catster.com/cats/347487


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

u did it boogers!
i'm so prowd uv u!
i hope da judjez ar prowd uv u too!

The Cat Realm said...

Yes! Blame the dog! Purrfect reasoning for having the salt and dog shaker!

sammawow said...

If we had a dog, we would blame the dog too! If you had the dog salt & pepper shakers you really could blame the dog, at least we think so.

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

MOL! I agree with you...blame da dog!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Blame da dog! Woofies aren't brite enuff to know what yoor doing anyway...

Anonymous said...

I think that is a very good reason to want the dog salt and pepper shaker. And you could fill them both with salt, so that there's always a spare!

Anonymous said...

Always blame a dog if you can - they are guilty of most of the bad stuff that happens in a house!

Knead On ~

Skeezix the Cat said...

BLAME DA DAWG! BLAME DA DAWG!!!! Yer lojik is impekubul!

Chrissie said...
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Chrissie said...

Save Boogers from being blamed! Good Luck!


Kimo and Sabi said...