Jul 22, 2007

Whap Them 'Til They Fall

Tho' other posts are funny,
sad, or crazy, or blue,
Those berdz should come to my house,
Cuz this is what they'll do.

The berdz will be filled with pictures,
of loved ones, small and tall,
and then I'll knock them over,
Looking down to watch them fall.

My mom will scold and scoop me
Up into her arms,
Replace the berdz upon their spot,
and tell me to stay far.

Their floofy heads will call me,
To whap them once or twice,
and then I know I'll nip them,
Baring them bald in a trice.

The faces they hold will be loved,
by Mom and me and all,
And though I'm told I'm not to,
They'll be whapped until they fall!

by Angus Mhor - http://heartfullocats.blogspot.com


Jaya said...

Bald Birds? Whapped until they fall?? Oh No!!!

sammawow said...

Well, it sounds like Angus would really enjoy playing with those birds - hopefully it's not a breakable frame if he wins!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Chrissie said...

That's what my mom said, China Cat and Willow. I just looked at her and told her that that's what cats do! All that floofiness, you know.


Parker said...

That was a great poem! Whapping is a good kitty skill to have.

The Cat Realm said...

Oh, cute! That is one great entry - it gets harder and harder for those judges!
We think they will just go on enormous amounts of nip and when they are so out of it they don't even remember their own names pull entries out of the bag.
Because with so many awesome entries - how can they decide?
Except for the monkeys, of course. They go to Anastasia....

Skeezix the Cat said...

Boy, I'm glad we didn't go for da berds cuz yoo are shur to win it!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - what a good poem! You guys were obviously not all "nipped" out like we was!

Tyler said...

Poor birds, but I understand how fun it is to whap things. Very good poetry Angus. You put your reason in your poem. Very good job.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmm, I think Angus is gonna knock dem off da shelfs!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

Angus ... dis iz a eksellent poem ... an i think da fact dat u wanna whap doze silly birdz makez me laff an laff!
it'z up to da judjez, uv course!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's an excellent poem. :) You are very talented!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we would love to whap those birdees to the floor too!!! muahahaha

we luff yoor poem!!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Hm...now that you mention it...those birdies on da frame sure are tempting....



Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a superb poem!
my favorite thing to do, whapping.
